Join the Celebration!

To commemorate our 35th anniversary, we’re inviting YOU to be a part of the celebration!
Over the years, KISS has been more than just a brand; we’ve been a part of your beauty journey, your special moments, and your everyday life.

Now, we want to hear your stories and see your favorite KISS memories!


Why Participate?

  • Be Featured

    Your video could be highlighted on our official social media pages, showcasing your unique KISS story to our global community!

  • Win Prizes

    Five lucky participants will win a KISS Product gift pack worth $500 each!

  • Celebrate with Us

    Join the KISS family in celebrating 
35 years of beauty, creativity, and community.

How to Participate:

  • Step 1: Create Your Video

    Share your favorite KISS memory! It could be the time you rocked a stunning KISS mani, the moment you felt fabulous with KISS lashes, or any special KISS experience.

  • Step 2: Upload Your Video

    Use the form below to submit your video. Don't forget to tell us why this memory means so much to you!

  • Step 3: Grant Permission

    By submitting, you give us permission to feature your video on our social media channels.